Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Me" Poster / Photoshop

Composition:  I tried to compose my poster according to the 62:38 percent ratio.  Of course, I spent a lot of time with the magnetic lasso to cut and crop most (not all, haha) of my pets from photos.  Initially, after aligning them along the lower portion below the horizon line, I noticed that my poster resembled more of a 55:45 ratio.  Rather than resize all of the layers, I simply heightened my canvas size by another inch, and then extended the background giving me the 62:38 composition.
Placement:  Additionally, rather than use a hard line to divide my sections, I used the pencil tool to sketch in a black fence.  Though it obviously does not appear real, it divides the frames.  I also placed my name vertically, in a casual font, and extended the the descriptive font out, like a crossword puzzle.  Not only does this also define the left side from the right, it also shows chaos in an organized pattern.
Color and Grouping:  I also chose the same pink that matches my shirt just to add repetition and a contrasting color with the sky.  Of course, I also worry that the grouping of so many different shapes, sizes, and colors might cause cognitive overload - yet isn't that what chaos is about?  Hopefully, the poster evokes a sense of fun.
Identification (LOL, L to R):    Splash, April, Holly, (Rooster 1), Mr. Pea, Mrs. Pea & Baby, Drifter, Gracie, Polly, Ripley, Wrigley, Della, Jax, and Slick (of course, me in the back; missing:  Zelda the cat,  3 more peachicks now almost fully grown, 2 more roosters, 4 more goats - Millie, Heidi, Floppy, BW; and five cows (I don't name the ones I eat)).

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