Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Harmony with Visual Echos of Color

After I finally decided on a topic, this assignment became fun.  Hopefully, the concept of learning "how to draw" a cake is clear.
The Concept:  First, I found an actual photo of a cake that I cropped with the magic lasso tool.  Then, I proceeded with step-by-step directions. The steps flow in logical numbered order from left to right.  Since black is a dominant color that many associate with writing, I created the numbers, typography, and the specific parts to draw per step in black.  Once a step was completed, I converted "already drawn" parts to white to differentiate between steps.  While this might not make sense upon first glance, as one works their way through the steps it should become apparent.
Color Echo:  Rather than divide the poster in six equal parts, I aligned three smaller boxes in the top row, remembering the pleasing visual of a 62:38, or uneven, split. I also divided these steps with light pink (beads), pink, green, and orange boxes that reflect the identical colors of the cake photo. The visual echo of color gives a harmonious effect to the entire design.  Next, I used slightly brighter colors to fill in the final cake to generate excitement about the completed design. 
Placement:  Finally, the flowers, again drawing on the orange, are just a playful effect to complement the "fun" theme. However, I did place the flowers purposefully so that your eye naturally follows from box to box connecting the content.

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