Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Grouping "Me" Poster

Here is my poster.  Of course, I do not want to explain what it is about, until after our class discussion.  Tools for Design:  However, I did incorporate various programs to develop my poster.  I drew the stick figure (supposed to look a little like me, lol), created the flowers, and edited the flowering can clip in Adobe Elements.  Then I created a Wordle and took a screen grab.  Finally, I put everything together in PowerPoint.
Grouping:   I tried to follow some of the grouping ideas, especially those concerning placement and I applied contrasting and complementary colors for interest.  I also thought about the 62:38 ration and left the top right portion less detailed and open.  Again, I will follow my post with details about why I chose specific placement, after our next class period.

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