Thursday, April 19, 2012

HARTS Visuals

In this particular project I worked under the instructions of my group partners, Katie and April.  They are conducting the instructional design HARTS project for the Emmanuel Epsicopal Church.  Sometimes instructional designers face creative constraints due to the preferences and needs of a client.  Katie and April faced such challenges as their client desired simple, but informative materials, that would meet the approval of the parish.  Therefore, with instructions to keep posters and materials as plain as possible, we worked to create professional designs, especially through connected themes of color and font with added visuals that enforce the function of each.


These photographs depict the desired entrance for HARTS and the location for trash, respectively.  By muting color saturation and lighting on the entire photo except for the door and the trash bins, the emphasis of the designated points emerges.  Clearly the red doors and the earth-colored trash cans stand out.  Furthermore, the black font (Myriad Pro) provides additional information.  Photographs intended for instructional purposes should not be altered to the point that instruction may be hampered.  Thus, we let the photographs dictate our choice of color palette for the remainder of our designs.  Coincidentally, the red worked perfect for the emergency contact poster and exit map.  Next, we chose a complementary green, a few shades lighter than that of the trash can lid.  This allows for greater visibility of our black fonts.  Then we incorporated additional colors as necessary.

To what degree do the visuals...
  • convey meaning:  The photographs incorporate text, but the text is not necessary to understand the intended meaning of the entry and trash bins.  The emphasis on color placement commands viewers' attentions.
  • support learning:  Again, the simple emphasis on the doors and trash gives focus to the subject.
  • incorporate CARP:  These photographs certainly incorporate contrast through colors and repetition in regards to our ongoing theme.  I suppose you could also state the proximity and alignment of the targeted items extend to the lower right sides of the picture.  However, this particular aspect of design will have a greater role in our other visuals.
  • fulfill their purpose:  The visuals have met the approval of the client, and will benefit HARTS volunteers.
  • express clarity:  The photographs are simple, but effective.  They gain attention without distracting.
  • display professionalism:  The photographs follow our thematic approach, they move beyond the simple editing of photography, and they demonstrate a creative approach to make a point without the use of much text.
  • achieve the goal:  They certainly reflect the simple and plain aesthetics as desired by the client.


Map-making requires an understanding of their intended concept, as well as knowledge of proportions, layout, and the effective use of icons defined through a key.  Our maps serve two very different functions.  The first is an emergency plan  and the second is a map to make kitchen use convenient, especially for those unfamiliar to the church.  Both incorporate our color palette and font.  Effective maps retain simplicity for ease of use.  However, the number of components, shapes, and layers were extensive to create the necessary designs.

To what degree does the emergency floor plan...
  • convey meaning:  Here the visuals convey meaning, but some text is necessary for labels, i.e. "Fellowship Hall," "Entertainment," etc. Popular icons reflect "emergency" and "bathrooms" without the need for text.
  • support learning:  First, the nearly transparent Google Earth screen grab quickly teaches orientation and direction.  The popular red and white icons reflect emergency symbols.  The lines denote the layout of each room, door placements, and specified emergency exits.  The bathrooms and trash are also represented with popular icons and a key acts as a reinforcement to define icons.
  • incorporate CARP:  Here there was little room to experiment with the CARP principles. Our thematic colors of red and green offer contrast with the red denoting emergency.  We did use repetition of lines to create doorways, and arrows for entry points.  The separated key with the green background denotes important information that is placed just to the right of the title.  Overall alignment and proximity are defined by preset proportions based on a church map provided to the group. Text and icons in the key are aligned.
  • fulfill its purpose:  The map fulfills the need for an emergency plan, and should be easy to comprehend by all.
  • express clarity:  While the photograph in the background has the potential to distract, by making it less opaque, and then allowing the primary focus of the map to contain a solid white background, there is little distraction.
  • display professionalism:  The icons do not go beyond everyday representations, simply because we wanted them readily understood.  However, the overall design of the map, layered with Google Earth definitely moves beyond the everyday depiction.
  • demonstrate creativity:  Again, color and font coordinate with other visuals and the map displays creativity with its layered real-life background. 
  • achieve the goal:  The client was pleased with the map and overall the color choice and contrasting background with a solid white map give it a pleasing aesthetic quality.

To what degree does the kitchen floor plan...

  • convey meaning:  The kitchen map primarily relies on text labels to direct users to the proper cabinets more than a reliance on icons.  First, the key offers a photograph of the actual cabinets to denote the levels of the cabinets.  These are further coded by colors, again making use of our continued green and red, with added yellow that coordinates with our emergency poster.  Also proportional rectangles distinguish cabinets, a table, and appliances. 

  • support learning:  First, although the inventory provides a guideline for learning, hands-on experience in the kitchen will certainly be the best teacher.  The map will be a time saving feature for anyone trying to locate a specific item.  It also serves as a reminder of the original location of items for restocking cabinets.  Rather than rely on directional cues (north, south, etc.), one can orient themselves to the kitchen through the visible blue markers.  For instance, if someone finds the stove, they can determine that the top cabinet to the right of the stove houses the measuring cups.  Therefore, the map will aide in ease-of-use, especially for volunteers unfamiliar with the kitchen set-up.
  • incorporate CARP:  Again, like the emergency map, the contrasting color scheme adds contrast to the map.  Repetitive shapes denote cabinets and repetitive lines denote kitchen exits.  Again, alignment depended upon the already designed kitchen.  All fonts on labels are right aligned.  Proximity becomes the greatest challenge.  First, labels had to be small enough to fit within the page yet large enough to read.  Therefore, we placed label on the exterior of the map.  Additionally, the fonts for the appliances and tables were enlarged so volunteers can orient themselves quickly.  This presented a problem with the hyphenation of the dishwasher.  However, the size of the shape could not be adjusted to fit the entire word.  So we decided to compromise and allow the hyphenation.
  • fulfill its purpose:  The visuals will be helpful for HARTS volunteers as they maneuver about the kitchen.  The client approved the design.
  • express clarity:  Although the labels are quite colorful, by placing them on the exterior of the map, and by incorporating the distinct blue for designated spots, the interior of the map becomes the focal point.  Unfortunately, the inventory was already in place in the cabinets preventing any chunking or categorizing.  Volunteers will just have to scan the labels to locate items.  This was beyond our control.
  • display professionalism:  The map moves beyond everyday representations through the use of multiple layers, simple cabinet shapes which retain similar proportions, contrasting colors, and the effective incorporation of the photo in the key.
  • achieve the goal:  The map includes our color scheme and font.  Though the map serves a different purpose, the simple rectangular structures and exits retain similar qualities to those in our emergency floor plan.  It demonstrates the creative use of developing a plan for the use of a large inventory.  Its aesthetics and appeal relate to its function - the most significant factors for maps. 

Kitchen Directions

The kitchen directions had to fulfill chronological steps for operating a dishwasher and making coffee.  Both are intended to be posted to the wall.  Due to parish regulations, they had to retain the least amount of color, with simple directions.  April and Katie worked with the director to condense the amount of required text, although the amount of text desired still limited design options, especially with accompanying photographs.  Regardless, by color coordinating directions to specified shapes layered on the photographs, the posters are both functional and fulfill the client's requests. 

To what degree do the visuals...
  • convey meaning:  visuals do convey meanings, and aid with the directions. Since specific written directions were required, the visuals could not be substituted completely for text.
  • support learning:  While the visuals cannot substitute for text, they greatly enhance learning.  For instance, outlined shapes give emphasis to imperative steps.  Volunteers can easily determine the correct position for the dishwasher knob and can also connect the color-coded steps for making coffee to the visual representations.
  • incorporate CARP:  First, the dishwasher's written steps are placed parallel to coordinating visual representations.  Text is left aligned for easy reading, Large visible numbers identify main steps while bullet texts reduces the complexity of each step.  The contrast of font size and color gives visibility to important information.  Repetitive red circles point to various parts of the dishwasher.  For the coffee directions, contrasting font sizes separate each distinctive step and color coding echos the shapes denoting specified locations.  Text is left aligned in an easy to read format and placed in single lines where possible.  Titles for both are in large bold fonts and steps are grouped in chronological order.  Both reflect similarities with font, placement, and color coding. It should be noted that on these directions the hue of the green had to be brightened to add contrast for better visibility with the required white background.
  • fulfill their purpose:  Thinking back to our competency posters,  we were challenged to chunk things and create icons for memorization purposes.  These posters serve a different purpose.  Volunteers don't necessarily need to learn each step, they just need to be able to follow the steps in an ordered pattern.  Therefore, the simple top to bottom placement of text on the left in harmony with the shapes specifying particular points on the photographs fulfill the design needs of both the parish and the volunteers.
  • express clarity:  The colors contrast but do not distract.  The numbered sequence is clear and concise.  The bold titles clearly capture the viewer's initial attention.  Fonts are large enough for posters that will be fastened to the walls.
  • display professionalism:  Though simplistic in nature, these visuals incorporate color echo schemes, layering over visuals, thematic fonts and borders that give credence to a professional design.
  • fulfill the goal:  Again the color and font continue to echo our theme. And the black border carries through with all posters to be hung on walls (although the border on the emergency poster is red for attention-getting purposes).  Both posters demonstrate the amount of creativity allowed by a parish with strict regulations.
The simplistic nature of the visuals do contain an aesthetic appeal and prevent cognitive overload.  They certainly are an improvement over the current instructions.  The concise directions with photographs eliminate questions that often accompany directions.  Efficiency and function define the success of our instructional posters.

Emergency Map 

The emergency contact poster's creativity was limited by two factors.  First, the director needed a plain poster with as little color as possible to meet parish guidelines.  Second, an emergency poster needs to focus on the information it wants to relate in a quick and easy-to-read format.  Also, it must convey a pattern or color that most people associate with "emergency."  Therefore, rather than create an elaborate poster with lots of design, we kept it straightforward.  

To what degree does this visual...  

  • convey meaning:  The bright red and the mobile phone icon with "911" displayed on the face certainly designate the "emergency" purpose.  The accompanying text provides vital necessary information.  In addition, the HARTS logo signifies that this poster pertains to its organization, and is not related to the church or its congregation.
  • support learning:  The names and phone numbers relay information. People will see the top "Emergency" visual with the bright red mobile phone face and the bold yellow emergency contact and immediately recognize its importance.
  • incorporate CARP:  Contrast emerges between the bright red border and white background, the yellow "Emergency Contact" font and its gradient black background, as well as the black on white font.  Furthermore, the white "911" text on the red phone screen is visible.  All fonts are right aligned.  Though people read large amounts of text from the left to right, the right alignment allows us to keep our phone numbers aligned, and is simple enough to quickly grasp its information.  Likewise, by right aligning, the term "Call" stands directly above the phone numbers.  The red echos the borders and the face of the cell phone.  In addition, the font and colors echo our connected theme from other posters, maps, and photographs.  Here, proximity and placement were important.  The primary space used includes the top visual with text layered to denote "urgent" while the lower portion contains the necessary names and numbers.  By placing the phone at a slight downward/inward angle, viewers quickly connect it to both sets of text.  Nothing interferes in the center.  The border ties it all together within a rectangular space.

  • fulfill its purpose:  The visuals meet the design needs.  First, the use of an up-to-date phone icon with the 911 logo and red gradient screen is a meaningful and popular representation for "emergency."  Second, the HARTS logo is thematic in their organization's information and is continued on the poster.

  • express clarity:  The poster targets HARTS volunteers specifically.  It is not intended for church use.  By adding a logo one can understand this poster pertains to their organization.  Furthermore, we reduced the saturation and lightened the logo.  This places emphasis on the important information, does not distract, yet relays its intended purpose.

  • display professionalism:  This poster does move beyond the ordinary red "emergency contact" with text.  First, the phone was an actual photograph of a cell phone.  By using the magic lasso to extract it from the picture, then applying the find edges tool in Adobe Photoshop, along with inserting a gradient red screen and applying the "911" white font, a more modern symbol for "emergency" was created.  In a day and age when people are terminating the use of corded phones, this up-to-date version can be recognized by young and old.  Then the HARTS logo had to be edited.  Also, the increased font size of both the "E" and "C" beginning "Emergency Contact" give emphasis to the visual.  Last, the subdued use of gradient in both the phone and black background give simple texture to the poster.  While the director specified a white background,  creative hints surface and the poster was accepted for use.
  • demonstrate creativity:  The poster follows the thematic approach of our other designs.  Its colors of red and yellow coordinate, along with the fonts.  The major difference of this visual is the application of the HARTS logo.  This choice was made because it is the only visual designed specifically for HARTS.  Our other visuals maintain dual roles - for church use and volunteers of HARTS.
  • fulfill its goal:  This visual is quite appropriate for its "emergency"connotation.  It gives emphasis in the correct places and the modern icon gives it an aesthetics appeal.  



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