Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Research and Explanation for the Arbitrary Data Chart

Organization of Shapes and Colors:  Well, after several attempts, I settled for a timeline visual coordinated with colors representing May / June.  By differentiating with colors, it becomes easier to note dates.  Also, I varied shapes.  I documented ongoing research with rectangles and arrows, while I denoted specific dates with circles.  Finally I incorporated a diamond shape to define the last steps of the project.  Of course, after I completed my shapes and loaded my post, I recalled that flow charts incorporate specific shapes to represent specific purposes, i.e. my diamond shape should represent input, and I think that squares show conclusions??? However, since my table is not necessarily a flow chart I decided to leave it alone. 
The Concept:  Teachers, students, parents, and any other administration involved were my target audiences.  I organized the chart for informational purposes, thereby allowing participants to keep track of important dates relevant to their needs.  Therefore, the information in the diamond, work conducted by the researchers that is not necessarily relevant to teachers or students, I kept to a minimum.
Critique:  At this point, I am somewhat satisfied.  I do think that I could adjust the sizing and alignment.  The circular shapes seem large, though it was hard to fit the text in without reducing the size of the font. In addition, it might be more appropriate to create a more separate space for the final stages that follow the preparation and research phases.

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